Marie-Luise Kanbach

Professional Development

Marie-Luise Kanbach (née Arlt) graduated from Leipzig University with a Master's degree in 2017 and joined the Innovation Financing Unit as a research associate. Before joining the unit permanently, she had already worked there as a research assistant for two years. Her academic qualifications include a degree in economics (B.Sc.), a degree in economics and business education (B.Sc.) and a degree in business management (M.Sc.) with a focus on financing. Whilst at university, Ms Kanbach also focused particularly on the areas of innovation management and entrepreneurship and has already gained practical experiences in this area. Ms Kanbach spent some time in the USA and Russia, which allowed her to increase her expertise in her chosen field and to gain valuable experiences. As a research associate, she leads projects in the area of opening up innovation processes and, in this context, researches the previously unexploited potentials of crowdsourcing and other open innovation mechanisms for the transfer of applied research into the market.

In addition, together with Anna Pohle and Dr. Juliane Welz, she chairs the IMW Science Colloquium.


Current projects


Publication Type
2015 Die Besteuerung von Fonds in Deutschland. Eine Übersicht zu der aufsichtsrechtlichen und steuerlichen Behandlung von Investmentvehikeln in Deutschland mit einem Exkurs zum Thema Schiffsfonds
Arlt, Marie-Luise; Gürges, Karl; Metzger, Björn; Schneider, Gregor
Seminar Paper
2015 Innovatives Finanzierungskonzept: Regionale Infrastrukturfinanzierung via Crowd
Arlt, Marie-Luise; Bürger, Robin; Rockel, Jens
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Further Conference Contributions


  • Kanbach, M.; Bedtke, N.; Daldrup, V.; Bürger, R. (2020). The emerging phenomenon of crowdsourcing in not-for-profit, scientific environments – Understanding objectives and design configurationsVirtual Edition G-Forum Jahreskonferenz 2020. 30.9.2020.
  • Kanbach, M.; Bedtk, N.; Daldrup, V.; Bürger, R. (2020). The growing phenomenon of crowdsourcing in not-for-profit, scientific environments – Understanding objectives and design configurations. ACM Collective Intelligence 2020, Northeastern University, Copenhagen Business School, online. 18.6.2020.




Research Day Posters

The Fraunhofer IMW holds an annual Research Day, where the research fellows present their latest research projects. Here you can find the poster presentations of Marie-Luise Kanbach.

Poster Research Day 2020


Transferinstrument zur Validierung von Innovationsvorhaben durch frühzeitiges Marktfeedback 

Poster Research Day 2020


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